Coping With Grief After Losing Health


Coping With Grief After Losing Health

If you or a loved one recently received an upsetting—possibly life-threatening—diagnosis, you might be feeling a mixture of shock, disbelief, fear, sadness, and anger. It’s completely normal for you to feel this way. Many people think of grief only in terms of the death of a loved one, but it can also stem from losing your health (or from any...[ read more ]

How Will You Celebrate International Self-Care Day?

You know most of us are not taking self-care seriously when the “powers that be” had to go and make an international holiday to raise awareness! International Self-Care Day is on July 24th each year. Developed by the International Self-Care Foundation, the holiday is a great time to focus on your needs and give yourself some pampering.Why are So Many...[ read more ]